3 A.M. Reserve (AVAILABLE INSTORE ONLY) 900,000 – 1200,000 scoville units


3 A.M. Reserve. This product rates between 900,000 – 1200,000 scoville units.

*Only available for in store purchase. Our stores

Disclaimer: Because of the ingredients found in this product, we require that you read and agree to the Product Disclaimer at time of purchase.

Age Verification required “(18)” years or older.

Out of stock


3 A.M. Reserve. This product rates between 900,000 – 1200,000 scoville units.

*Only available for in store purchase. Our stores

Disclaimer: Because of the ingredients found in this product, we require that you read and agree to the Product Disclaimer at time of purchase.

Age Verification required “(18)” years or older.

Additional information

Weight .907 kg